Supplemental insurance companies are famous for saying no. With only a few covered conditions, lots of rules, and outdated technology, there are so many reasons why legacy plans struggle to say yes to members.
We built Ansel from the ground up to say yes. We offer one simple plan you can personalize to get coverage for 13,000+ conditions that require urgent medical care. We use new technology to automate the claims process so we can say yes in hours, not weeks. And we’re staffing a Ansel Concierge team that will be a force for yes in an industry that has become synonymous with no.
Isn’t this just a fancy way of talking about customer service? What’s different about Ansel’s Concierge?
We’re so glad you asked. Ansel’s Concierge team is a network of local representatives who are responsible for helping employers and members from open enrollment to renewal and every day in between.
There are a few factors that make your Ansel Concierge different from anyone you’ve worked with at an insurance company before. We worked to improve the following factors when we designed our Concierge team.
When you need an answer, we won’t send you through a byzantine phone tree that leaves you shouting “representative!” just to get someone on the line. You’ll have access to answers where and when you need them. You might find an answer in our online tools, or chat with us from the Ansel app. If you want to, you always have the option to talk to us on the phone. You’ll have a dedicated Concierge who knows you and your employer and lives in your neck of the woods.
By simplifying our plan’s rules, and automating much of the process, we’re able to free up our people to be available to both employers and members when you need us.
A concierge doesn’t just answer the question at hand. They listen for context to understand the question behind the question. They offer answers to questions you didn’t even know you should be asking. Our Concierge team is trained to listen holistically and go beyond initial request to get to the heart of the issue.
If a company’s phone lines are maxed because their plans are complicated and their website is broken, the average customer service rep’s empathy goes out the window. Ansel covers a wide range of conditions and our technology does the hard work behind the scenes, so we’re able to empower our team to value and practice empathy.
We’re hiring empathetic people in your area who care about our employers and members, especially when they’re in the middle of an unexpected health issue. We’re able to encourage and reward empathy because we used technology and plan design to put ourselves in a position to focus on the members who really need our help.
Your Ansel Concierge will remember your name and call you back. If they don’t know the answer, they’ll make it their mission to find out for you. They’ll leverage the expertise of the technology and insurance experts on our team and get back to you, explaining the complicated stuff in terms that are easy to understand.
You’ll have the option to speak to any Concierge in our network if you just need a quick answer when your dedicated Concierge isn’t available. However, for issues that require research and follow up, your dedicated Concierge is on your side and will work with you until you have the information you need.
You’re not an insurance expert and you shouldn’t have to be! Our Concierge team is fluent in insurance but they know how to translate complicated concepts so they’re easier to understand. Plus our simplified plan design just doesn’t have some of the “gotchas” that make life complicated for customer service reps at other insurance companies.
Like all insurance products, your Ansel policy does have limitations, but no matter the outcome of your inquiry, we commit to say yes to being accessible, listening well, offering empathy, taking ownership, and communicating clearly.
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