Fact: No one can predict which medical issues will come their way.
Fact: Today’s supplemental health products force employees to guess and gamble on plans that only cover narrow groups of conditions.
We believe you shouldn’t have to gamble on health coverage you’re not sure you can use. Ansel’s wide-ranging supplemental health insurance covers 13,000+ conditions to help shield employees from the financial burden of medical bills that usually follow unexpected health issues. Benefit advisors and employers shouldn’t have to gamble precious benefit dollars either. Our game-changing supplemental benefit design allows us to demonstrate the plan’s value and impact with accuracy and transparency up front. Here’s how.
We recently produced a claims incidence analysis for an employer group with 195 employees enrolled in the medical plan. We analyzed 15 months of anonymized medical claims to determine how many Ansel claims might have been payable. The results were eye opening—but let me back up.
The reason we were able to do an analysis like this is a unique capability enabled by our simplified insurance product and innovative benefit design. You see, Ansel pays benefits for covered conditions using only the ICD-10 diagnosis code(s)—a universal coding system applied to every medical encounter. So by speaking the same language as the underlying medical plan, we can take de-identified medical claims data and provide a retrospective analysis showcasing how a Ansel supplemental plan would have performed.
“What’s the punchline?” you may be asking. First, no more guessing if a supplemental plan is worth implementing. And second, access to actionable intelligence that can drive better health plan design and decisions.
Let’s get back to those results.
In total, our 195-employee group and their dependents had 116 payable Ansel claims across 74 covered ICD-10 diagnosis codes. Astonishingly, 83 employees or dependents would have received a Ansel benefit payout.
What’s even more startling to me are the things we would have covered the most. Yes, we saw claims for conditions like fractures, dislocations, and lacerations, but we saw just as many kidney stones, hernias, and bouts with pneumonia. We would have paid benefits for common conditions like sepsis, diverticulitis, gallstones, deep-vein thrombosis, and chronic tonsillitis. And unlike traditional products in this space, we would have covered multiple benign neoplasms, which can be expensive to identify even though, thank goodness, they aren’t cancerous.
What does all of this mean?
It means you can’t think of Ansel like any other voluntary health benefit. Ansel is a supplemental health plan that fits perfectly and enhances your core health benefit strategy with accuracy and transparency. It’s a supplemental health plan worth funding to help shield employees from burdensome out-of-pocket costs. And it’s a plan that amplifies your health benefit investment.
Get in touch and let us do an incidence analysis for your group(s). Our team is ready to show you what Ansel can do.
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