How Ansel Helped Employees Who Waived Major Medical

Rhea Manwani
February 23, 2022

Too often, employees waive traditional health coverage because of the cost, leaving them uninsured when health hardships happen. Last year, we met with a broker to help one Texas-based company tackle this very challenge.

The Challenge

A home healthcare employer offered traditional health insurance, covering 50% of the premium. However, the employee contribution to the premiums was too costly for many employees. In fact, more than half of the group waived coverage because they could not afford to enroll.

The Solution: Employer-Paid Ansel

When we were introduced to the broker, he instantly knew Ansel could help. He recommended the employer allocate unused health plan contributions to fund a 100% employer-paid Ansel policy for those who waived out of the primary health insurance plan.

While Ansel is a supplemental health plan, that doesn’t mean it has to be voluntary. In 2021, 50% of employers who offered Ansel funded some or all of the premiums.

Ansel’s wide range of coverage and flexible plan design allowed the employer to offer a valuable health benefit with zero employee contribution to the premium. While Ansel was not intended to replace major medical coverage, this approach enhanced the benefits strategy by giving more cost-sensitive employees access to a health benefit they could use at no personal expense.

So, what were the keys to such a “win-win”? Here are a few—

Keys to the Win

“We aren’t a substitute for a major medical plan, but we can help fill in the gaps for employees waiving coverage because of the cost so that no matter what, they have some level of benefit and better peace of mind.” —Ted Makuch, Regional Sales Director, Ansel

Repurposing employer dollars and eliminating the need for employee contributions

With cost being a primary focus, it made good sense to allocate employer dollars that would have been spent for the traditional insurance plan to an alternative solution like Ansel. 

A supplemental benefit with a wide range of coverage

Ansel’s wide breadth of coverage was really what made it a great option for this employer to provide some level of health benefit to all their employees, regardless of what they could afford.

A benefit that employees can use without headaches

Providing a fully-funded Ansel plan eliminated the need for an enrollment process for these busy employees. Plus, Ansel has a simple claims process and pays cash benefits typically within 72 hours of a completed claim.

If you've got a group in mind that could benefit from our supplemental health solution, we'd love to talk to you. Get in touch and a member of our team will reach out within a business day.